Monday, June 6, 2011

week 13 progress -sketchup semi final

idea of the project :
-contribute a lot of public space (garden) for the neighborhood
-make an interesting experience of walking in the gallery by changing the level of the route
- the route brings visitor from inside to outside then go inside again
- large gallery room , office, house 1 living area ,house 2 are having a nice view
- house 2 is like a floating box, the experience living inside would be interesting

garden + skylight

Inspiration of the garden +skylight from the Xi gallery by SKM Architects.

garden research

I have designed a lot of space for public garden.

Jing reminded me about the thickness of roof top garden.

Then I try to search the thickness I really need for this project.

There is a detailed chart about the thickness of soil and plant.

week 13 progress